Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget

Budget Public Hearing Information

FY25 Budget Presentations 

FY25 Hanover County Proposed Budget (all sections)

The FY25 proposed budget document is broken into sections below for ease of use and faster downloads.

Introduction: This section includes a history and description of the government and of the budget process.

Overview: This section summarizes the overall budget. It includes the County Administrator’s letter, budget and position (FTE) summaries, expenditure and revenue information and the plans that impact the budget.

General Fund: This section describes the General Fund, which is the chief operating fund of the County. This includes operating budgets for most traditional local government programs such as public safety, parks & recreation and public works. This section details revenue by source and expenditures by department and includes functional area summaries that group departments with similar major services/functions (public safety, human services, etc.).

Other Funds: This section includes funds appropriated by the Board of Supervisors that are not included under the General Fund or the CIP. Such funds include:

  • School Funds for Hanover County Public Schools (Operations and Nutrition Services)
  • Public Utilities Fund
  • Airport Fund
  • Self-Insurance Fund
  • Debt Service Fund
  • Economic Development Authority Fund

Capital Improvements Program: This section is an overview of the Capital Improvements Program (CIP), which is the county’s plan for expenditures on roads, facilities, equipment and vehicles over the next five fiscal years. 

All budgeted CIP projects are described in this section, including information such as the project’s title, department, functional area, location, description, timetable, operating impact and funding sources and uses.

Supplemental Data: This section includes links to additional references that may be of interest to residents, as well as a glossary and list of acronyms and abbreviations.